
Hiding in plain sight

Sep 26, 2023
Photo by Ravi Kumar on Unsplash

Your morning greeting
in your first smile,
Your joy radiating
from the glimmer in your eye,
barely containing itself
in the corner of your lips.

Your compassion
in your tender touch,
with just a pinch of stardust.

Your gentleness
in the tone of your voice,
calming and welcoming,
inviting the deepest conversation,
inviting intimacy
like how a sea knows its beach,
your tides of curiosity unrelenting,
always coming back for more.

Your love
in my hands,
guiding away
from the past,
anchoring us
in the present,
tightly grasping
our future together.




"You are almost out of time, but you have all the time in the world"